Who will rise up for me against the wicked?
    Who will take a stand for me against evildoers?
Unless the Lord had given me help,
    I would soon have dwelt in the silence of death.
When I said, “My foot is slipping,”
    your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.
When anxiety was great within me,
    your consolation brought me joy.

Psalm 94:16-19

We all know the feeling of being unsteady while standing or walking, maybe walking on ice or while tired, our own legs seem to be against us. Now imagine that while surrounded by enemies ready to push us, trip us at the first opportunity.

You don’t have to imagine! Our Spiritual Enemy is standing against us on the edge of Hell, and all that is between us and oblivion is God’s loving support and comfort. He can turn peril into calm, danger into comfort, anxiety into joy! Can we enthusiastically accept his offered help, or will we slip?

Ethan Kirl