Month: April 2023Page 1 of 3


The Bible talks about desire a lot; our “wants and wishes” as we sometimes sing are part of our prayers to God and part of our everyday reality…

What do you want?

“What do you want?” is often an expression of annoyance and a way to let a person know that their presence is not wanted. It’s a little funny…


Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have…

How to handle Betrayal

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7-8…

Whose God is he Anyway?

“Who is this that obscures my plans    with words without knowledge?Brace yourself like a man;    I will question you,    and you shall answer me.” Job 38:2-3 “The God of the Old…

Be a Believer

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29 Now faith is…

Buy Without Money

Isaiah 55 is a rich section of scripture with an immense amount of value for us as believers. We have looked at the willingness of God to bless…

Asking God

What holds you back in prayer? What keeps you from asking for what you already know the Almighty is able to give you? Maybe it is fear of…

Tax Day

This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. Give to everyone what you owe them: If…

Salty Speech

In modern usage, the word salty can have a couple of meanings, depending on your generation. For those of us who grew up playing video games, salty is…