Month: December 2023Page 1 of 2

Our Calling

“I am God Almighty;Walk before Me, and be blameless.I will make My covenant between Me and you,And I will multiply you exceedingly.” Genesis 17:1b-2 God made a promise…

Where you’re Supposed to be

If you feel out of place in this world, the apostles are clear: that’s normal (1 Peter 2:10-12, Ephesians 2:19, Philippians 3:20). But if you wonder if God…

Gospel Invitation

Invitations are sent by the one giving the opportunity. Whether that be for hospitality or for work or any other purpose, the one who attends comes at the…

Can’t Hide from God

“Am I a God who is near,” declares the Lord,“And not a God far off?Can a person hide himself in hiding placesSo that I do not see him?”…

Who’s afraid of the Devil?

Did you ever see someone fear the devil? I mean really shake and tremble at the idea of Old Scratch sneaking around, pitchfork in hand, giggling and ready…

Love means Ending Hate

“But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did not dare pronounce against him an abusive judgment, but said,…


It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.For you were called to…

Truly Blessed

The Lord bless you, and keep you;The Lord cause His face to shine on you,And be gracious to you;The Lord lift up His face to you,And give you…

Daily Cross

Have you ever watched an Easter reenactment? Some people pride themselves on getting all the details right. They put the events in the right order, they say all…

Words of Wisdom

I often feel stupid when I’m listening to something I don’t understand; other people see me as stupid when I speak about things I don’t understand. So it’s…