Put on the full armor of God, so that ya’ll will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:11 (emphasis added)
I have spoken before about how the English translations of the Bible occasionally miss things. Here’s one for you. We love the passage where Paul talks about the armor of God. It’s great for VBS!
Don’t miss this though: when he says you need the armor in order to stand firm, he uses a plural you! Ya’ll need armor so that you guys can be an effective army together. No single soldier wins a war, let alone a battle. We need the whole squad to get things done.
So put on the armor. Just don’t forget that you are on a team, and we all rely on each other to reach our goals.
Dear God, our Protector, help us to remember that we don’t have to fight alone to take on the challenge ahead. Amen.
Ethan Kirl
Originally Published August 3, 2020
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