A gift opens the way
and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

Proverbs 18:16 (NIV)

We as Christians, I believe, face a greater challenge in this time than in other eras. The access of all people to all kinds of information is at its greatest point; that is to say, information is cheap. In previous eras, it was a special quality of the Church assembly to be the best way to discuss the will of God for those seeking the God of the Bible. Now, websites and social media and message boards all fulfill that role, at least to a casually curious person.

If we want to truly gain access to people’s hearts and convince them of the value of a relationship with God, we need to open the way with something beyond the enticement of “new information.” I’m not suggesting bribery, per se but the truth is we know of things people lack and we know how God provides. We know because he has provided for us.

If a gift can get you into the presence “of the great” what can it do for our neighbor down the road?

Ethan Kirl