Life in the Desert

The desert and the parched land will be glad;

    the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.

Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom;

    it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy.

The glory of Lebanon will be given to it,

    the splendor of Carmel and Sharon;

they will see the glory of the Lord,

    the splendor of our God.

Isaiah 35:1-2

The Israelites, more than anyone else, knew what a barren land, a wilderness, a desert really was. It was not lifeless or truly empty but full of a different kind of life. So when the prophet Isaiah proclaimed the renewal from God would be like a flower blooming in spring, they knew exactly what that meant.

This world full of sin and death can seem like a deserted place, far from the true and comfortable home we long for; but God brings life here as well as death. He can bring us a season of renewal, to his own glory. Come Lord, and show us your splendor.

Ethan Kirl

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  1. Beautiful!

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