For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
Romans 12:4-5
Unity does not mean loss of individuality. It does mean a refined and focused sense of purpose.
Modern Christians are sometimes lost in the tradition of homogeneity that was started before the Protestant era and continued under the Reformers. Even into the Restoration, we embraced the pattern of conformity to the group whether intentionally or not; while the autonomy of the congregations was assumed, the range of acceptable differences was strictly limited.
Don’t be misled: the Body of Christ is not in one building, nor is it in one region of the world, nor is it in one era! The Body of our Eternal Lord began when he founded his church with his apostles. We are to achieve unity that is timeless as well as worldwide.
In that way we are encouraged, for though we have lost a reason to boast as individuals and a reason to stand tall as congregations, when we seek unity, we attain the Glory of the One who is Head over the Body.
Ethan Kirl
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